You’ve Made Me So Happy

“Don’t ask questions, theres no time. Get your sister and start throwing out anything that looks like trash. Ha, ha, really funny, put your brother down. Stop messing around. They could take this bin away anytime, don’t you understand what we have been given?”

The Philosophy of the Secret Squirrel

Oh to be a younger biker that is not encumbered by philosophy while he rides. Maybe that is why there are not as many older bikers out there, they all went flying off the path, lost in thought. I need to get my head back on a swivel. Man my neck hurts…

“Regulators…Mount Up” and Other Things that Mobilize My Children

Here is when you know that you may have been influenced by the movies that you have watched over the years. You use movie lines to express yourself.

Does Your Bike Ride Include Handing Someone Their Leg Back?

I have snapped my leg playing ultimate frisbee, air soft, hiking, football, softball, and several other sports over the last 20 years.  I have never snapped my leg mountain biking that I can recall.