That’s Not What Their Looking At!

For those of you looking for an intelligent quasi-political commentary like yesterday this may not be it.  So I went to the YMCA yesterday with my family so that my kids could complete their swimming lessons.  During that time I went to the treadmill to run.    I have become keenly aware over the years thatContinueContinue reading “That’s Not What Their Looking At!”

That Ninja is a Cuddler!?

I have four kids, all of whom distinguish themselves in various ways.  My oldest is diligent, active, and a bit of an activist.  My second son is out-going and expressive.  My daughter is articulate and expressive.  Then there is my third son, my intellectual ninja. So this morning I went through my normal morning processes,ContinueContinue reading “That Ninja is a Cuddler!?”

“I want an unplanned life”

There is a scene in one of the best movies ever “The Brother’s Bloom” (#2 after Groundhog Day) in which Bloom tells Stephen that he wants an unplanned life.  The movie is about two brothers who are con men, but that is not the real story.  The real story is that Bloom was never comfortableContinueContinue reading ““I want an unplanned life””